Tuesday 2 May 2017

Sit Beside Me

A white food box lay on the table we now shared. I looked at her in the eye and she opened it to give me a idly coated in garlic chutney. The aroma of garlic wafted through the class and I wolfed down the idly and smiled.

She had been my bench mate and best friend for the last six months. Her eyes sparked and a little dimple appeared on her cheek as she smiled. She was my sounding board and I wondered how class would be once we parted ways. I was going to be the only girl in my new course and wondered if I could survive it.

My Premonitions were sadly right!

 Seven dozen men sat in a room, discussing the days lesson. No one gave a second glance to me as I entered the class. Tiptoeing to my lonely front bench that could seat five, I sat down. Placing my rucksack beside me, I pulled out a Teddy bear. It had been a year since I joined this class and my only bench mate was the teddy bear attired in a fading blue shirt. I felt like an untouchable and wondered why the a mere absence of a 'y' chromosome made me despicable.

The Lecturer had not arrived and despite being surrounded by so many people, I felt alone. I had not spoken to anyone but family in months. My attempts to make conversation with the others in her class had been shot down by cold glares and silence. I had given up and resigned myself. 

I sighed as I felt that day would be no different. I turned to the window and stared out into space, counting the trees to keep myself occupied. I knew the number of trees visible and where they stood. I could even notice if one of them had been cut. One hundred and eight, I told myself for the fifth time that week. The lecturer had still not arrived. I placed my head on the desk for her five minute nap.

The buzz of the class silenced down and I woke up with a start. The lecturer had arrived and I stood up as a mark of respect despite not wanting to. Fifteen minutes into the class I realised that my teddy bear was gone, and where it sat was a person attired in a black shirt. I could not help but look at his face as he turned and shot me a smile. His eyes sparkled and a little dimple appeared on his cheek as he smiled.

A small step from him marked a major change in my life. I was not alone in the battle. I was neither an untouchable not a foe. I was human and was finally being accepted as one by those around me. The invisible glass walls that enslaved me had fallen. 

A bit my lip to stop a tear from escaping. Just like her, he had accepted me into his fold. He turned and pulled out a hamper from his bag.

A white food box lay on the table we now shared. I looked at him in the eye and he opened it to give me a idly coated in garlic chutney. The aroma of garlic wasted through the class and I wolfed down the idly and smiled.

Dedicated to my favourite twins Aarthy and Arjun.

Two Angels sent together from above.
Twice the Smiles, Twice the happiness and Twice the Love

Note : The post has been slightly exaggerated from what actually happened.

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