Wednesday 5 April 2017

Chappal Buddies

I wanted to buy her a dress. I went into every shop on the street and could not seem to find the perfect one for her. If the dress was nice, I was unsure if it would fit her. I finally settled for a shoe instead of a dress. I came up with several reasons as to why I was giving her a pair of shoes instead of a pretty looking dress.

The blue sneakers looked cute. It wasn't an exquisite gift but it looked sturdy. She could use them for at least a year or two. It was more functional than a ballerina shoe.

On my way back home, I came up with a million excuses. I told myself that her shoes did not seem to be in good condition (her shoes are in good shape). Google came in handy with shoe statistics. While an average shoe is worn about 300 times, dresses are worn only 20-30 times. 

I reached home and gifted her the pair of shoes. She tried them and thanked my profusely. I noticed that she was wearing a new dress gifted by another friend. Without her even asking I told her the actual reason I bought her a shoe.

We both had the same foot size. By buying her a dress, I was unsure if the dress would fit her well. On the other hand, If I tried the shoe on myself, it would be a perfect fit for her. This would save either her or me an additional visit to the exchange the shoe for a new one. On hearing my explanation, she burst out laughing and said that it was indeed a good idea. 

That is my room mate for you. She is crazy, intelligent, humorous and artistic all at the same time. While some people have Chaddi Buddies, I have a Chappal Buddy, I never need to worry about a torn shoe as hers will always fit mine.

One of my favorite memories of our friendship is when we had gone to visit a few friends. I was wearing a beige dress with black slippers and she was wearing a black dress with beige slippers. While travelling on the MRT, we suddenly noticed the mix and match and exchanged slippers much to the amusement of those around us.

As our glorious stint as a room-mates comes to an end, I know that I will miss her, but will remember her often, especially when I see or buy a brand new pair of shoes. I have always wondered the confusion that would have happened had either of us been Cinderella.

A family that eats together, stays together....
Friends who share shoes, remain friends forever.....

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